Backworth Hall Aire a Success

Backwoth Hall Golf Club – Tyneside

The development of an Aire on our spacious sporting Miners Welfare grounds was cause for concern at first.  What about planning permission, safety, plumbing, any undesirable overstays, advertising and management.

Thanks to CAMpRA’s advice and support, we are now the first CAMpRA accredited Aire in North Tyneside.

We offer safe, peaceful, level overnight parking with facilities for black water disposal and fresh water fill up for £10 per vehicle per night, convenient for access to golf, archery, croquet and our clubhouse bar onsite and to Newcastle and the Northumberland coast nearby.

Since opening in July 2022 we have had 50+ overnights and correspondingly 100+ extra paying customers to our own services, as well as tourist discovering our locality and/or breaking long journeys with us.

Every visitor has been most amenable.

Our own Aire adventure is off to a promising start.

Stuart Hickson

Backworth Hall Golf Club

3rd October 2022