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Why create an Aire and how CAMpRA can help?

Why create Aires? Well with over 400,000 motorcaravan owners in the UK (thats more than registered caravan owners!) there is a growing market for these particular types of sites which cater for a different type of recreational holiday.

Why work with CAMpRA? We are now the recognised leading authority on overnight parking for self contained motorcaravans in the UK.  We are not only working with individuals, charity, community groups and small business owners we also work with councils, the British Parking Association, industry representatives such as the National Caravan Council, and we are stakeholders on the All Party Parliamentary Group on Holiday Parks and Campsites.

The potential benefits from setting up Aires include:

  • Year round revenue stream
  • Attract European motorcaravan tourism
  • Minimal investment
  • Added security
  • Control disposal of waste
  • Traffic Management
  • Tourism Management
  • Help local businesses
  • Reduce Carbon Emissions

Don’t just take our word for it……

“Allowing motorhome overnight parking has assisted the nighttime economy of our area.”

 Helen Townsend, Parking Manager, Craven District Council

”We have noticed that having campervans/motorhomes parked up on the various sites, actually helps with the security of them, in that we have had fewer visits by anyone looking to be rowdy or disturbing the normal peaceful nature of the sites.”

  Northumbrian Water

“Increased security and reduction in anti social behaviour with motorcaravans onsite.”

Dave McGinity, Parish Councillor, Butley Village Hall, Suffolk

“told by our drivers that most of the motorhome guests that use the Park & Ride service visit local attractions”

Colin Perris, Parking Facilities Manager, Canterbury City Council.

“Additional income raised from the £7 per night, per vehicle, fee”

Dave McGinity, Parish Councillor, Butley Village Hall, Suffolk

“at the entrance to the site is a decent pub, and I’m always being told how grateful they are that so many motorhomers visit and stay for meals.

Colin Perris, Parking Facilities Manager, Canterbury City Council.

How do I start?

If you are new to CAMpRA, motorcaravaning and the concept of Aires, we recommend you start with the Aires and Motorcaravans Explained section below.

The Creating Aire Infrastructure section explains the process of setting up and Aire.  Every Aire will be different in its location, structure and requirements so we have tried to be as generic as possible. The CAMpRA team have a wealth of experience in the process of setting up Aires, so if your are not sure where to start or who to speak to first then just contact us, we are here to help.  Email us in the first instance at

Aires and Motorcaravans Explained

There are several different types of Aire and Motorcaravan and the following documents explain in more detail what they are and how can they work to increase tourism in the UK.  If you are new to motorcaravans then this is a good place to start. It will help answer questions such as What are Aires? What is a Motorcaravan? How can they benefit our local Community?

There are also two short videos commissioned by CAMpRA which may be of interest

UK and EU

Motorcaravan Statistics 2020

Over 2 million motorcaravans in Europe

Nearly 400,000 in the UK

Estimated annual disposable income of owners for holidays:

European – €5 billion

UK  – in excess of £1 billion

Creating Aire Infrastructure

A basic Aire provides safe overnight parking but as Self-contained motorcaravans have onboard fresh water tanks, tanks for grey water (washing and sink waste), toilet cassette and refuse bins,  they need to dispose of waste responsibly every 3-4 days. These guides will show you how easy it is to set up a basic Aire and one which includes all the services,  There are also some indication of costs involved.

At all times during the process CAMpRA is here to offer advice and guidance.

Example Aire Layout

Parking for 5 Motorcaravanans and a Service Point with full facilities

Potential Revenue

5 van capacity scenario
£5 parking for 24 hours, no water and waste services,
open 52 weeks a year

5 vans,7 nights x 30 wks = £5,250
2 vans, x 5 nights/wk x 22 wks = £1,100
Total Parking Revenue = £6,350
Spend in local pub and shop
@ £47/van (2 persons)
5 vans x 7 nights  x 30 weeks = £49,350 high season
2 vans x 5 nights x 22 weeks= £ 10,340 low season
Total to Local Businesses = £56,690 pa
Total into local economy = £63,040 pa

If you would like further information or to talk to one of our Leadership Team, please complete our contact form.