Drumahoe Junction (A6), Lismacarol Roundabout, Londonderry. New Service Station with dedicated Motorhome Parking Bays.

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Drumahoe Junction (A6), Lismacarol Roundabout, Londonderry. New Service Station with dedicated Motorhome Parking Bays.

Post by pauls59@yahoo.co.uk »

Updated 07 March 2024.

Reference LA11/2020/0486/O

Application Received Thu 02 Jul 2020

Address Lismacarol Roundabout Land 150m East of 4 Lismacarol Road and South of 20 Tirbracken Road Lismacarol Townland Drumahoe BT47 3LS

Proposal Drumahoe Junction (A6) Services with associated facilities (including filling station, car wash, cafe, restaurant, shop, tourist information, toilets, ATM etc,); amenity/picnic area; parking (for cars, caravans and motorhomes, coaches and lorries) and associated access and landscaping.

Decision Issued Date 01 March 2024

01 March 2024; Derry & Strabane Council have Granted Outline Planning Permission for this application;

Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011
Application No: LA11/2020/0486/O

The Council in pursuance of its powers under the above-mentioned Act hereby
for the above mentioned development in accordance with your application subject to
compliance with the following conditions which are imposed for the reasons stated:

1. Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Council within
3 years of the date on which this permission is granted and the development,
hereby permitted, shall be begun by whichever is the later of the following dates:-
i. the expiration of 5 years from the date of this permission; or
ii. the expiration of 2 years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved
matters to be approved.
Reason: As required by Section 62 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.

2. Approval of the details of the siting, design and external appearance of the
buildings, the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter
called "the reserved matters"), shall be obtained from the Council, in writing, before
any development is commenced.
Reason: This is outline permission only and these matters have been reserved for
the subsequent approval of the Council.

6. At RM Stage full details of all proposed native tree and shrub planting and a
programme of works, shall be submitted to and approved by the Council. All tree
and shrub planting shall be carried out in accordance with those details and at
those times. Plans submitted at RM Stage shall include a Planting Schedule with
numbers, species and sizes of trees/shrubs to be planted.
Reason: To ensure provision, establishment and maintenance of a high standard of
landscape and in the interests of biodiversity.

13. At Reserved Matters stage, the applicant must provide evidence that a Schedule 6
consent to discharge surface water under the Drainage (Northern Ireland) Order
1973 has been obtained from DfI Rivers.
Reason: To ensure the project will not have an adverse effect on the integrity of
any European site.

17. At first Reserved Matters or first Full application and before any works commence
on site the detailed design of the access arrangements shall be submitted to and
agreed by the planning authority as generally indicated on drawing ‘Proposed Site
Access Design’ (Atkins Dwg No. 5208269-ATK-HGN-DR-D-0001 P09) date
published 01 February 2023. As part of this submission a Stage 2 Road Safety
Audit shall be submitted to and agreed by the planning authority
Reason: To ensure that the road works considered necessary to provide a proper,
safe and convenient means of access to the site are carried out at the appropriate

22. At Reserved Matters Stage detailed plans shall be submitted which demonstrate
parking and servicing in accordance with Parking Standards.
Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate parking facilities to meet the
needs of the development and in the interests of road safety and the convenience
of road users.
Last edited by pauls59@yahoo.co.uk on Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:30 pm, edited 12 times in total.
P Simpson
Posts: 108
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Location: Newtownards, Co Down. N. Ireland
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Re: Motorhome Planning application - NeEw Service station complex with Motorhome parking24 as of 04/01/21.

Post by pauls59@yahoo.co.uk »

My Submission, 5th January 2021, to David Dalzell, the Chartered Landscape Architect and Chartered Town Planner on the proposed application.

Mr Dalzell

As a motorhome owner, and member of http://www.campra.org.uk it is great to see the Plan of this new service station at Lismacarol Roundabout, shows HGV's, Caravans and Motorhomes will be catered for in the parking area, allowing them to park separately and avail of the services within the shopping area of the service station, including a restaurant.

It is just a pity, though, that the needs of the motorhome owners had not been taken to the next level. At Building stage, this would have been the ideal time to propose the inclusion of a "Motorhome Service Point". - the DIY Drive through option in the first attachment would be ideal. The second image of four at the bottom of the second attachment would be of similar aspect. See attachments from our group.

Whether these suggestions could be retrospectively applied for, on behalf of the Applicant, W&J Chambers Limited, I am not aware. I do note the Standard Consultation Expiry Date is 21 January 2021.
An Ideal location, if Septic draining and fresh water supply allowed would be at the end of the complex, beside the HGV Fuelling point (L) on the map plan.

Response reply received Monday 11th January 2021 from David Dalzell, Chartered Landscape Architect and Chartered Town Planner.

Hi Paul,

Thank for your email, we welcome your comments! We are very keen that this proposal should meet the needs of all users on the new A6 dualling, and there is no doubt facilities for motorhomes are sorely lacking in the North-west region generally. This is an application for outline planning permission and the site layout is indicative at this stage, so it is certainly not too late for us to consider your suggestion of a Motorhome Service Point on the site. Personally I think this is a great idea and I will look into how this could work on the site as you suggest. If you think there is anything else we might consider in the meantime please let me know and do keep in touch.

Thanks again for your input!



David Dalzell CMLI MRTPI

Chartered Landscape Architect and Chartered Town Planner
P Simpson
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