Today I received this reply answering my FOI request regarding The Dhoon picnic site.
My apologies that nobody has responded to your enquiry sooner.
We are working to be in a position to offer Staycation/Motorhome parking in a number of our public car parks. The Traffic Regulation Order which is currently being reviewed will be going out to public consultation in the next couple of weeks and once approved will allow the council, after community consultation, to deliver further "Aires" potentially within or adjacent to public car parks. With this in mind and the consultation and development process that will ensue, it is likely these further "public" areas will be available for next years season. This process will potentially include the Dhoon Car Park.
At the moment the council and other local community members or groups have created Aires, such as the one at Kirkcudbright Swimming pool, in various locations across D&G (mainly West of the region). I have been advised by colleagues that the site is fairly comprehensive and will show any locations within our region.
I hope this information is of assistance. I, like others, had hoped that the car park review process would have been completed sooner however I'm afraid due to other initiatives such as electric vehicle parking, the task has grown arms and legs.