English Heritage
English Heritage
Has anyone had a crack at English Heritage yet? I'm a member so happy to have a go if no-one else already has the matter in hand. Now that the National Trust is making encouraging noises it might be a good time to suggest that EH keeps up with trend.
Re: English Heritage
I posted on their facebook page but no response, we are no longer members but would rejoin if we could park overnight.
They have more suitable small car parks than NT and are the poor cousins so should be great for them especially as NT are planning to allow it.
They have more suitable small car parks than NT and are the poor cousins so should be great for them especially as NT are planning to allow it.
Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team
Re: English Heritage
English Heritage have suggested this, email address for anyone wanting to make a suggestion.
Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team
Re: English Heritage
Personal letter sent, no mention of CAMpRA, no attachment or links to website.
Good morning we used to be members of English Heritage but decided not to renew a few years ago.
We are now retired and own a motorcaravan which we use to tour the UK and visit lots of wonderful locations.
Unfortunately the UK is years behind the rest of Europe in embracing the touring motorcaravan and realising the financial benefits from year round touring from this rapidly expanding market sector.
We have heard that the National Trust that we are members of are looking to allow overnight parking on their sites as a way to generate revenue and increase membership.
A recent post on their Facebook group received 8000 responses mainly from motorcaravan owners stating they would join if overnight stays are allowed.
We have seen similar posts on motorcaravan groups why members are saying they would join English Heritage if they allowed overnight parking by self contained motorcaravans on suitable sites.
We would certainly re join if this facility was available.
There is help and advise available if you require it please let me know.
Good morning we used to be members of English Heritage but decided not to renew a few years ago.
We are now retired and own a motorcaravan which we use to tour the UK and visit lots of wonderful locations.
Unfortunately the UK is years behind the rest of Europe in embracing the touring motorcaravan and realising the financial benefits from year round touring from this rapidly expanding market sector.
We have heard that the National Trust that we are members of are looking to allow overnight parking on their sites as a way to generate revenue and increase membership.
A recent post on their Facebook group received 8000 responses mainly from motorcaravan owners stating they would join if overnight stays are allowed.
We have seen similar posts on motorcaravan groups why members are saying they would join English Heritage if they allowed overnight parking by self contained motorcaravans on suitable sites.
We would certainly re join if this facility was available.
There is help and advise available if you require it please let me know.
Steve - CAMpRA Leadership Team
Re: English Heritage
I’ve also emailed EH and will probably receive the same standard reply as everyone else, when it comes. If it looks like a personal reply, then I’ll update.