Glenbuchty Stopover Motorhome Aire, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire
As keen motorhomers ourselves, who enjoy touring around areas rather than camping in one loca$on for a number of nights, we have always been very grateful to find safe and affordable places to either stop overnight, or to be able to use their water and waste disposal facili$es. We have found welcoming communi$es, harbours and organisa$ons that understand this need, but sadly there are not enough of them and increasingly restric$ons are appearing.
Having bought our coEage by the sea, which has a large hardstanding front yard, we wondered whether we could give something back and host a small ‘aire’ type offering. We didn’t really know how to develop this idea but luckily found out about CAMpRA. Through their excellent library of resources and personalised support and $me given by their leadership team, we applied for an exemp$on cer$ficate to host up to 5 self-contained vans per night.
Having prepared our site to include provision of water, recycling bins and a couple of picnic table areas as camping behaviour by the vans is not allowed, we opened up in late summer this year and have hosted around 40 camper vans to date. We hope to be able to re-invest any profit into providing a black waste disposal point in the future.
It is lovely to hear about our campers’ travels and share ideas with them regarding places to visit around our gorgeous town of Fraserburgh, including the Lighthouse Museum, Heritage Centre, the local shops, cafes and restaurants and the amazing sandy beach.
We’ve had lovely feedback and our visitors have enjoyed the locality, the fabulous coast and its wildlife, the interes$ng architecture and heritage of the town and most importantly they have spent their money with local businesses and organisa$ons, so thank you to CAMpRa for helping us make this possible.