Waste Point Fund Application

Please enter details in the form.

Waste Point Application

Waste Point Application

Name by which the site is known locally
Recommended by CAMpRA Member
Recommended by CAMpRA Member

Site Owner Details

Owner Name
Owner Name
Business Address
Business Address

About The Business

What type of business is this?
Please provide your charity number if applicable

Proposed Waste Point Location

Is the Site Owners Address the same as the proposed waste point location?
Use the what 3 words website to show us where you are
Map IT can provide the Latitude and Longitude of the site
If there is a particular way to enter site due to low bridges etc please comment here

Local Area

2. Is there a known issue of irresponsible dumping in the area?
3. Is there another waste point nearby (within 25 miles) to which the public have access?

Parking on the site and access

5. Is overnight parking already permitted for Motorcaravans?
Please note overnight parking means that the owners are allowed to sleep in their vehicles.
6. Do you have an exemption certificate for your overnight parking?
7. If you intend to allow overnight parking, how many spaces?
8. Is dedicated parking available at the waste point only for use whilst in the process of 'servicing' the motorcaravan?
10a. Are their any height restrictions to access the site?

Waste point installation and services

11. Is the installation to be attached to an existing toilet block?
12. How close is the water supply?
Is there ...
Other Services Available - Check all that apply



Is the site/business owner related to, or have a business connection to any of the Directors or Leadership Team?


I hereby declare that the details above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I confirm I have discussed this application with the site owner.

I confirm I have informed the owner should they get though to the voting round their application will be made public in order for members to vote. Only the site location will be released not contact details.

Please check to show you have read and agreed to the above declaration

Internal Application Review - Office User Only

This can be date rejected, cancelled or awarded.

Notes of Funds Awarded

On clicking submit the application will be passed to the Waste Point Fund Team for review.  There is no guarantee that the site will be awarded any funds.