Belmont P&R , Durham

Report from Belmont Park & Ride in first year of allowing overnight stays for motorcaravans.

Belmont has created several motorcaravan bays.

Fleetwood Revenue Report

This is a document outlining the revenue generated by motorcaravan overnight parking in Fleetwood Council Car Park.

Testimonial – Bethesda Rugby Club Aire

Comments from a new Aire in North Wales.
This is useful to forward to potential Rugby Clubs

Backworth Hall success story

Testimonial from Backworth Hall Golf Club on the success of their Aire opened in July 22.
Backworth were supported by the CAMpRA team and received funding from CAMpRA members towards providing a Waste emptying point.

Case Study – Jubilee Park

This is a report on our first campsite operating as a winter Aire

Case Study – Craigmancie Stud

This is a case study of a small Aire on a Stud in Aberdeenshire.

Glenbuchty Aire Report

A report from the owners of a new Aire in Scotland

Success Story – Butley Village Hall

Report on operating the Aire at Butley Village Hall and how it requires little maintenance.

Success story for Nook Farm Shop and Cafe

Brief report from the owners of a new Aire on the site of their farm shop and cafe.
This is an example of how simply allowing overnight parking go encourage year round trade.

Canterbury Aire Success Story

A commentary by Colin Perris, Parking Facilities Manager at Canterbury City Council on the results of them converting a row of 18 ‘normal’ parking bays into 13 overnight parking bays for motorhomes at the Canterbury Park and Ride. They also installed a couple of cold water taps and a grey/black water disposal point.